
"Following Armando’s broadcast, Zoe arrives and gives artistic flair to the arena and her friends."

The boring world around Zoe made her sad, so she decided to change it. Sneaking out at night, she would paint her neighborhood with bright and colorful art. It did not take long for others to notice. Who was this mysterious artist? As Zoe's reputation grew, so did her notoriety. Hot on her heels, the Fun Police erased her art as fast as she created it. Frustrated, Zoe needed to be where her art would be appreciated. Listening to Armando’s radio show, she felt a bond with this fun-loving crew. Setting off into the No Fun Zone, she finds Alpha Island! This place is a madhouse, and she loves it. But fun as it is, it is also run down. The Bots and the arena were faded. Taking out her spray cans, Zoe got to work. She painted the arena until it was beautiful and decorated the Bots to be bright and fun. Finally, she took on the GIANTS. Climbing the enormous mechs, she started her most ambitious project ever. With the help of the Bots, she transforms the GIANTS into magnificent artistic masterpieces that no one can erase. Now in her happy place, Zoe joins the fun. But her work is not over. As the arena grows bigger, so do her creative ambitions.

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