
"Hiro arrives at Alpha Island by pure dumb luck."

Hiro's parents did everything they could to keep their boy safe, but the combination of his daydreaming and obliviousness kept getting him hurt. To protect him, Hiro’s parents bought him safety gear. He has never taken it off. Hiro's obliviousness only got worse with age. People thought his behavior was weird and laughed at him, but Hiro ignored them. Hiro’s ignores everything. But Hiro did try to fit in. He tried job after job, but every time it ends the same way: slip up, disaster, fired. One time as a taxi driver, Hiro’s daydreaming caused the largest traffic jam in the city - but he didn’t notice! Even after being fired hundreds of times, Hiro remains optimistic that things will work out. In Hiro’s mind, everything is awesome. While out on a new job delivering packages, Hiro started to daydream about nothing in particular...but he did it for days. Before realizing he was lost, Hiro found himself on a tropical island. He’ll be fired when he finds his way back, but he hasn’t even realized that yet. In Hiro’s mind, everything is still awesome.

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