
"Fabio brings a squad of Bots to the arena and reprograms the GIANTS to play. But the game isn’t fun without friends."

Fabio is a mechanic who takes care of many Bots in his shop, but above all of them, D-GO is his favorite. More than anything, he wanted to play with D-GO but couldn’t. D-GO is a Bot, and Bots have no concept of fun. Fabio is determined to make things right. After many late nights, he builds a Fun Module and places it into D-GO. Exhausted, he goes to sleep. When Fabio wakes up, D-GO and his Bots are gone! Worried about his Bots, Fabio follows their signal to the edge of a No-Fun Zone. Proceeding carefully, he tracks them to a deserted Kiden Stadium, where he finds Ishani and a strange arena. Ishani explains that she can start the game, but the GIANTS don’t know how to play. While they are talking, Fabio hears a familiar sound. D-GO! They hug. The Fun Module worked! Fabio’s other Bots quickly surround them. As Fabio begins to place Fun Modules into all his Bot friends, Ishani also has an idea. If fun modules works on these Bots, why wouldn’t it work on GIANTS? Fabio enters a GIANT and places a Fun Modules into its core. After rebooting, the GIANT is ready to play! Together, the pair are one step closer to playing RoboKiden... just as D-GO planned all along.

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