
"Ishani first discovers Alpha Island. She can repair the tech but can’t get the GIANTS to play."

Ishani was once given a gold star in school and has been chasing that recognition ever since. Now the youngest and brightest engineering professor at the esteemed UniverseCity, she still tries to impress others by solving complex problems. While researching, Ishani found a schematic detailing a strange game. RoboKiden? She was amazed by the production - math, physics, geology, robotics - all working together perfectly! It was nothing like she’s ever seen, more importantly, nothing like her colleagues have ever seen. Packing her tools, she set out to find it. She locates Alpha Island in a No Fun Zone. It was a mess. The stadium was abandoned for so long that she wasn’t sure if it could be reactivated. Rolling up her sleeves, Ishani adjusts the Turretrons, repairs the Gravinators, and rewires the Pop Pads. When she hit the start button...nothing. The GIANT's programming was wiped and the ancient code was lost. They don’t know how to play. At that moment, she realizes she isn’t alone. Bots emerge from inside the arena...

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